Rock Elm seedling / Photo: Ptelea After the gods Odin, Vili and Vé had created Earth, they roamed its realms, admiring their handiwork. On a sea shore they came upon two fallen trees – an ash and an elm. The gods imbued these trees with life and a thirst for knowledge, and so the
Rock Elm seedling / Photo: Ptelea
After the gods Odin, Vili and Vé had created Earth, they roamed its realms, admiring their handiwork. On a sea shore they came upon two fallen trees – an ash and an elm.
The gods imbued these trees with life and a thirst for knowledge, and so the first man and woman came into being. Out of the ash came a man, whereas woman came from the elm.
LLinE + InfoNet = Elm
New beginnings, thirst for knowledge, growth. The themes in the Norse-Germanic creation myth * retold above seem very fitting for this particular moment in the history of LLinE.
At the end of this month LLinE will be replaced by a new media as a result of our merger with the European correspondent network and media InfoNet. This new media is called Elm, the European Lifelong Learning Magazine.
Test issue in September, launch in December
Elm will publish its first theme issue on the 29th on September, on “Adult Education and Social Media”. You will find Elm at www.elmmagazine.eu but the site is not yet operational as finishing touches are still being added to the site. Visitors to this old LLinE site will also be automatically redirected to the new site.
The September issue is a test issue – you can give feedback on the reading experience which we will then learn from in preparation for the official launch in December.
The reader wins
Elm supports the work of the adult education professional by keeping its reader up-to-date on the trends and phenomena of the adult learning world. The media spreads good practices, knowledge about the benefits of lifelong learning and of topical research and adds depth and context into important events and trends.
As Elm reader:
-with a correspondent in almost every European country, you will get an accurate and up-to-date picture at all times of adult education in Europe
-you will hear a broader variety of European voices in the magazine: educators, advocates and NGO professionals, learners and scholars
-you can easily connect with the various AE organizations that form the magazine’s network
-you will find new content every two weeks, plus four thematic issues yearly!
* Yves Bonnefoy (1991). Mythologies. V. 1, p.281