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From the Editorial team

How did you like our last issue?

Author: Katriina Palo-Närhinen Published:

Photo: Shutterstock.

What did you like most in our issue on future skills and competences? Which topics would you like to explore more? Write to us!

Dear Reader,

In our last issue of Elm Magazine, we explored the topics of future skills and competences.

Which article did you like the most? Why?

Would you have liked to see a more thorough handling of some topic? If so, which topic and in what way?

Please send us your thoughts and opinions. They help us to develop the magazine so that it will best meet your interests and needs.

Email address: elm(at)

We may publish some of the comments in the section “Letters to the Editor” of the magazine. If you don’t want to use your real name under your comment, please use a pen name. We reserve the right to shorten and edit the texts if needed.

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Katriina Palo-Närhinen is the Editor-in-chief of ELM magazine. Contact: katriina.palo-narhinen(at) Show all articles by Katriina Palo-Närhinen
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