Katriina Palo-Närhinen
is the Editor-in-chief of ELM magazine. Contact: katriina.palo-narhinen(at)kvs.fi

Project Stories: Peer literacy outreach in prisons
Derv Ryan from Irish NALA discusses the Literacy Ambassador Programme, which supports people who struggle with reading and writing to outreach to their peers. Since 2022, NALA has run the programme in ten prisons.

Project Stories: Empowering seniors through the arts
Carlo Smaldone Villani of the Italian NGO Prometeo discusses his insights from the FSW project, which develops activities to help social workers work with seniors. The key lies in the arts, he says.

Power and joy at the core of EAEA’s new Manifesto for Adult Learning
“The manifesto tells policy makers: Listen, this is what we can do. Adult education is not one small area, but a holistic way of learning and supporting people and communities,” says Gina Ebner, Secretary General of the EAEA.

Welcome to exploring articles on Inclusion and Adult Education
During the summer, ELM Magazine will focus on the theme of inclusion in adult education.

How does the new EU AI Act affect the adult education sector?
Aiming at protecting fundamental rights and democracy in digital education, that’s for sure. What about the duties and obligations? What are they? All Digital’s Policy Officer Norman Röhner answers three quick questions about the new EU AI Act, which is expected to come into force by June 2024.

Ambition and hope: Keys to our sustainable future
Living a greener life may require small changes, but they can have a big effect. The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2023 on Sustainable Future.

How did you like our last issue?
What did you like most in our issue on future skills and competences? Which topics would you like to explore more? Write to us!

Core competences to face the changes
Be true to your core competences, but don’t forget the open mind. The text is an editorial written for issue 2/2023 on Redefining Skills and Competences.

Articles on sustainability and peace education
What would you like to read on sustainability and peace education? Send us your ideas!

Fact-checking recipe for chocolate chip cookies
AI workshop at an elementary school in Helsinki showed that kids are already familiar with principles of critical reading. The text is an editorial written for issue 1/2023 on Future of Literacy.