Our ageing world needs education to survive
The current population of the Western world is older now than at any other time in history. The megatrend of extended life expectancy demands much more attention to be paid to lifelong learning and keeping mature people at workplaces.

Sure, my neighbour Joe knows best
An increasingly vocal section of Europeans believe in themselves or their neighbour more than they do researchers. Why does talking from experience outdo scientific knowledge?

How can adult education in Europe have an impact on global overpopulation?
Migration can be an advantage when the fertility rates decline in Europe. Adult education is a key to integrating the adults, says anthropologist Björn Wallén.

Learning from Icarus at the annual conference of EAEA
Annual Conference of the European Association of Adult Education EAEA was held in Copenhagen in June. Holistic approach on lifelong learning that takes into account all human skills was strongly advocated.

How do they do it? – It is time to modernise the practices of sex education for adults
Enough of calling masturbation a sin and sexuality education a subject about reproduction. Both youth and adults are a vital target group when talking about sexuality. Professionals working in education and with human well-being are all needed in the modernisation of sex education in Europe.

Ingredients in successful sex education for adults
Sex educator Pelle Ullholm from long-running Swedish sexual and reproductive health organisation, RFSU, shares 5 tips on how to target the adult audience.

Improving Portugal’s levels of education at Qualifica Centres
Qualifica centres are state-supported validation and qualification centres for adults. The results are promising, as the example of Azambuja’s Qualifica centre shows.

The notion of validation dominates the way we recognise learning – and this is why it is a problem
French learning technology expert challenges the monopoly of institutional validation and shares his view on how learning should be recognised.

Milieus and Lifeworld Research
Pedagogues need insight into the lifestyles of their students. Milieu and lifeworld research provides glimpses into emerging identities, attitudes, motivations and behavior of a population.

Actor Network Theory and Adult Education
Actor network theory is an emerging approach in the adult education field. Terrie Lynn Thompson explains the central tenets, and pros and cons of the theory for the researcher and practitioner.