Marcella Milana

Marcella Milana is Associate professor in Adult Education at Aarhus University in Copenhagen, Denmark, and a Marie Curie Fellows at the University of California-Los Angeles (USA).
A joint Editor of the International Journal of Lifelong Education, Editorial board member of the Journal of Adult and Continuing Education (JACE), Vice-President of the Nordic Society for Comparative and International Education, and co-convenor of the ESREA Research Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education, among other commitments, Marcella Milana has been researching and writing about education for democratic citizenship, participation in adult education, the professionalization of adult educators, and adult education policy. Her current project (GLOBE-A) deals with global polity in adult education.
Her most recent publications include Political globalization and the shift from adult education to lifelong learning (European Journal for Research in the Education and Learning of Adults, Vol. 3:2 103-117, 2012), and Globalisation, transnational policies and adult education (International Review of Education, Vol. 58:6, 777-797).