How seniors develop digital skills: A lesson from Australia
A project from the Australian research program Shaping Connections reveals the common obstacles seniors face when attempting to develop digital skills. A key to overcoming these challenges is peer-based learning.
Isabell Kempf: “Adult education empowers agility in navigating global change”
“Adult education is a human right and a public good helping to create a more resilient, just and sustainable future,” said Isabell Kempf, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, in her keynote address at the EAEA conference in Helsinki.
Singapore’s micro-credential programme gives a chance to update skills in a flexible way
Singapore’s SIT has come up with a way for professionals to update their skills competency with independence, whilst working full time. Stackable credits offer a pathway to short courses or full degrees.
Duygu Güner: “Ignoring the hidden barriers behind low training participation is no longer an option”
In her Speakers’ Corner column, economist Duygu Güner describes the past year as being marked by an enthusiastic discussion on skills shortages and the imperative of continuous reskilling/upskilling efforts in the EU. Nevertheless, determining how to increase low training participation rates remains the main challenge. Speakers’ Corner columns are produced in cooperation with EAEA, the European Association for the Education of Adults.
Making up the empathy deficit
Empathy is a necessary skill in the future, when humankind is solving more and more complex global problems together. Increasing empathy in societies has become a more prominent issue.