media literacy

Future skills for a brave new world
Understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) works is a key skill – now and for tomorrow – says leading computer science and information technology professor Matti Tedre.

Future of literacy: diverse and complex
The variety of different forms of text and information in our daily lives is exploding. “Literacy as a concept also needs to expand,” argues Finnish literacy researcher Sari Sulkunen.

Data literacy helps in the recognition of warning signals
Data literacy should become a new objective in the curriculum of life, demands data expert Katharina Schüller from the German Association of Founders.

Fact-checking recipe for chocolate chip cookies
AI workshop at an elementary school in Helsinki showed that kids are already familiar with principles of critical reading. The text is an editorial written for issue 1/2023 on Future of Literacy.

Fact-checkers and journalists fighting against disinformation
People around the world are increasingly being exposed to the deliberate spreading of disinformation. Therefore, the need for critical media literacy is growing. Fact-checkers and journalists are taking an active role in this area. Let’s hear the experiences of fact-checkers from Albania, Belgium and Finland.

Community Engagement as a pillar of degree programmes in Palestine
Pursuing higher education can be the only way to spend time, if there is no work or other possibilities. Palestinian university engages students by offering engagement with the community.

Educational games, mobile quizzes and digital badges are transforming learning
How is gamification affecting adult education? Three experts share their views on the future of gamification and game-based learning.

Social media creates new space for activism in Zimbabwe
Zimbabweans are learning to utilise social media to speak about their repressive government and fight for better policies.

Wikis: New ways to learn old things
Wikipedia events demonstrate that heritage institutions are not dusty throwbacks or exclusive clubs for academics but are vibrant, modern, welcoming community hubs, says Jason Evans, National Wikimedian for Wales.