
Transforming PIAAC results into action: On what to focus
The 2023 Survey of Adult Skills, the OECD’s International Assessment of Adult Competencies on literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills, paints a polarised picture between high- and low-performing countries. Data reveals a pressing need for policymakers to focus on lifelong and life-wide learning to ensure that education is more adaptive to evolving demands.

Project Stories: Peer literacy outreach in prisons
Derv Ryan from Irish NALA discusses the Literacy Ambassador Programme, which supports people who struggle with reading and writing to outreach to their peers. Since 2022, NALA has run the programme in ten prisons.

Making health literacy everyone’s business: How Ireland got adult and health literacy on the government agenda
Helen Ryan, in her column, tells how a crucial strategy by the new government played a vital role in prioritising health literacy on the national agenda in Ireland. According to her, the most successful way to promote health literacy issues among health professionals was by telling about people’s lived experience. Data and statistics were important, but it was the human stories that resonated the most.