Jasmina Mirčeva, a senior researcher at the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, has recently completed an analysis of the education of deaf and hard of hearing adults in Slovenia.
Jasmina Mirčeva: “The education of deaf and hard of hearing adults is imperative”
Published:Jasmina Mirčeva, a senior researcher at the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, has recently completed an analysis of the education of deaf and hard of hearing adults in Slovenia.
“Deaf and hard of hearing individuals should not be overlooked,” argues Slovenian researcher Jasmina Mirčeva. In her column, she discusses the necessity and challenges of their inclusion in adult education.
The proportion of deaf and hard of hearing people is increasing. According to the World Health Organisation (2023), 5% of the world’s population—around 430 million—have hearing problems. Among them are approximately 34 million children and nearly 400 million adults.
In Slovenia, there are about 1,500 deaf people and 150,000 people with varying degrees of hearing loss (Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2023).
Adult education and learning (ALE) for the deaf and hard of hearing is a fundamental right, as acquiring new skills enables them to live independently, enjoy a good quality of life and work, engage in lifelong learning and become more socially included. This right is reflected in key documents of the EU, UNESCO, the UN and some national constitutions.
In Slovenia and in almost all countries in the EU and beyond, the educational achievements of the deaf and hard of hearing are insufficient. They have fewer opportunities for informal learning in their daily lives and also participate less in formal and non-formal adult education programmes.
Since knowledge and skills are important tools for living with confidence in a complex world, disadvantaged individuals who lack ALE opportunities find it harder to navigate life, are more prone to unemployment and are less likely to be active in everyday activities.
THREE FUNDAMENTAL challenges have been identified in Slovenia. First, after completing regular schooling, the level of knowledge and skills of the deaf and hard of hearing is lower than that of the hearing population. The main reasons for this are an education system that does not sufficiently accommodate their specific needs, negative experiences during their schooling and low support from family, work and the wider environment.
More intensive involvement in different forms of education during adulthood could help bridge this gap and enhance their knowledge and competence for various roles in life. They can achieve good results if their needs and specificities are taken into account and appropriate adaptations are provided.
Intensive involvement in adult education would enhance competences for various roles in life.
In Slovenia, the deaf and hard of hearing adults who attended primary or secondary school in specialised institutions for the deaf and hard of hearing had more pleasant memories of regular schooling. Their performance in these schools was higher, they were taught by teachers who were familiar with their specificities, they used methods and recommended material that were appropriate for them, and they adapted the assessment and evaluation accordingly.
Secondly, in Slovenia people with hearing impairments find it difficult to secure employment, which has a negative impact on their motivation to pursue further education, as one of the goals of education is to gain employment. The inability to communicate verbally hinders their work, and many jobs are inaccessible to them. Some employers hold prejudices and are unwilling to make the necessary adjustments even when the nature of the work allows for it.
However, traditional jobs are disappearing, and new, dynamic and adapted forms of work and technology are emerging that can increasingly accommodate the specific needs of different groups. Technical aids for deaf and hard of hearing facilitate access to information in their own adapted technology, in Slovene sign language.
New forms of work and technology can accommodate the specific needs of different groups.
Other similar technical aids are also important, such as UMTS mobile phones, video transmission devices for receiving or transmitting information in their mother tongue (Slovene sign language), FM systems, inductive loops, red-white wands and electronic magnifiers.
Individuals can be employable if they have the relevant professional skills, are flexible, accept responsibilities, show initiative, possess empathy and manage time effectively. Deaf adults often have these traits and are precise and reliable at work.
Thirdly, deaf and hard of hearing adults in Slovenia enjoy participating in non-formal education programmes and events within their associations but are not sufficiently active in broader ALE opportunities such as study circles and centres for independent learning and basic skills programmes. With some adaptations to these initiatives, as well as increased awareness and promotion of learning activities, deaf people would receive better social, emotional, instrumental and informational support.
An example of good practice is the informative and educational programme “Let’s Listen to Silence”. It provides the audience with awareness-raising content on hearing lost and content on the life, work, legislation, cultural and sporting activities of deaf and hard of hearing people. The programme is equipped with an interpreter and subtitles to ensure that its content can be enjoyed by people with hearing impairments.
IN CONCLUSION, deaf and hard of hearing in ALE should not be overlooked, because education enables them to increase their functional literacy and general awareness, prepares them for independent and lifelong learning, and helps them succeed in the workplace. Maintaining and acquiring knowledge, competencies, and skills also makes it easier for them to cope with the challenges of modern society.
Ensuring equal opportunities for participation in society is not only important for the individual but also for the future development of the economy and the well-being of society as a whole.
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UNESCOa. (15.6.2022). CONFINTEA VII: Marrakech framework for action. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000382306
UNESCOb. (15.6.2022). Global report on adult learning and education. https://www.uil.unesco.org/en/adult-education/global-report-grale
Varuh Človekovih pravic (2008). Konvencija o pravicah invalidov. [Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities]. https://www.varuh-rs.si/pravni-temelji-cp/ozn-organizacija-zdruzenih-narodov/konvencija-o-pravicah-invalidov/
World Health Organisation WHO (15.12.2023). Deafness and hearingloss. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/deafness-and-hearing-loss
Zakon o socialnem vključevanju invalidov (ZSVI). [Act on Social Inclusion of Disabled Persons]. (2018). Uradni list RS, št. 30/18, 196/21. http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO7808

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