Learning & teaching
This category offers articles on best practices in learning and teaching, as well as the benefits and challenges of adult education and lifelong learning. These articles also explore global societal phenomena and their connections to lifelong learning.

Community gardens as a playground for social inclusion
Urban gardening has exploded in popularity during the past year. Particularly for people from immigrant backgrounds, community gardens can offer an important space for participation.

Three reasons for taking adult education out of the classroom
Using outdoors as a learning environment for children and youth has become more popular. Should we follow the same path with adult education?

Peer learning is invaluable for hospitality entrepreneurs in a crisis
How can higher education providers best support entrepreneurs? More flexibility and co-creation are essential, says Dr Marjaana Mäkelä, who works in vocational pedagogy.

The lost languages
Language schools across Europe are dealing with the pandemic with varying degrees of success. A lot of it comes down to how governments are helping – or not helping – them.

Playing for adults – five examples of game-based learning tools
What do games have to do with teaching first aid skills or identifying disinformation? We introduce five innovative ways of using gamification in adult learning.

Turning invisible visible
For the future of lifelong learning, one key challenge is to recognise and showcase learning wherever it happens. Cities of Learning Programme aims to do just this.

Educational games, mobile quizzes and digital badges are transforming learning
How is gamification affecting adult education? Three experts share their views on the future of gamification and game-based learning.

When different generations come together, everybody wins
Intergenerational learning improves the participants’ well-being, strengthens communities and helps to solve complex issues. That’s why it has a bright future.

Tomorrow’s learning: utopias and dystopias
Adult education experts and researchers from Serbia, Belgium and Finland share their vision for what learning could and should look like in the coming years.

Humanising the human – why Freire’s legacy still resonates across the world
A PhD student, education specialist and professor share how Paulo Freire has affected their thinking and approach to work.