Learning & teaching
This category offers articles on best practices in learning and teaching, as well as the benefits and challenges of adult education and lifelong learning. These articles also explore global societal phenomena and their connections to lifelong learning.

The first step for anti-racist education is acknowledging that racism exists
As the far right gains ground in Portugal, anti-racist education is one of the ways of fighting against it.

Tools for democratic education
Three educators and innovators introduce their methods for more democratic learning and creating.

Social media creates new space for activism in Zimbabwe
Zimbabweans are learning to utilise social media to speak about their repressive government and fight for better policies.

Bringing women into politics
A programme addressing the under-representation of women in politics in rural Ireland demystifies local politics and helps creating tangible change in society.

Civic education in Serbia is facing many threats
Ksenija Nikić talks about tensions with state authorities, fighting GONGO organisations and the other challenges she faces in her job at Civic Initiatives.

Democracy has been proven fragile – what can adult education do to make it stronger?
Experts and researchers call for adult education to return to its roots and reinvent political education.

A Finnish design book for web-based learning highlights the benefits of Open Educational Resources
Initially created to benefit technical universities in Finland, the Design Book for Online Learning has found a larger audience – thanks to open access and active citizenship.

Managing money: Challenges and solutions
What kind of challenges do adults face in terms of money management and what are the best ways to improve financial skills? Three experts from organisations working against over-indebtedness share their views.

When numbers are a foreign language
Dyscalculia is a specific but not yet extensively researched difficulty in understanding numbers. Having faced difficulties with maths for most of their lives, dyscalculic adult learners might have lost motivation in the subject, making it hard to find the right support.

Increasing financial literacy during the pandemic essential for India’s recovery
In Indian megacities millions of people have no access to banking services due to lack of knowledge or technology. Lack of universal education plays a big part.