Maurice De Greef
Maurice de Greef is "Professor learning effects low skilled and illiterate learners" at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and realised a PhD in educational science with a special focus on the outcome of adult education in terms of social inclusion. He’s a project-manager, researcher and trainer in local, regional and European projects in innovating learning environments, strategic policy-making in adult education and developing strategies for approaching (vulnerable) learners. Email:

Basic skills for active citizenship
Active citizens, participation, social activities! This vision of active citizenship is impossible for some groups of people. Vulnerable learners may lack basic skills to be able to participate. For adult education to help solve this problem, current studies point to the need to balance the individual and the environmental processes of inclusion and to balance its emotional and functional aspects.

“I am not deaf anymore” – outcomes of migrant language courses
This study follows 170 migrant learners on Dutch language courses in Amsterdam. Results show a perceived increase in social inclusion.