Marvin Formosa
Marvin Formosa is Senior Lecturer within the European Centre for Gerontology, University of Malta. In 1998 and 2008, he was appointed as a lecturer by the International Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta) on its missions to Thailand and Qatar respectively. Dr. Formosa also held the post of a Visiting Scholar at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (2009-2010). In 2012, he served the editorial board of Research on Ageing and Social Policy and International Journal on Education and Ageing. His primary interests are older adult learning, social class dynamics, and social exclusion. His forthcoming works include Social Class in Later Life: Power, Identity and Lifestyle (The Policy Press, 2013 - with Paul Higgs).
Contact: Postal Address: European Centre for Gerontology, University of Malta, MSD 2080, Malta.
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