Kristiina Kumpulainen
Kristiina Kumpulainen is Professor of Education at Department of Teacher education, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki. At present, she is leading ‘Learning Futures’ research group at the department and acts as the national co-ordinator for NordLAC, Nordic Research Network on Researching Learning Across Contexts.

Playful solutions for lifelong learning
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.
The Playful Learning Centre of Helsinki University aims to develop playful solutions to lifelong and blended learning. The authors introduce the Center and reflect on the definitions of play at the backdrop of lifelong learning.

Goodbyes and new openings
It is now nearly seven years when I had the privilege to become the editor-in-chief of our LLinE journal. Taking charge of the journal was in many ways a smooth process, thanks to the grounding work of my predecessor professor Kauko Hämäläinen from the University of Helsinki. I would also like to recognize the pivotal

Promoting resilience in times of social and economical crisis: A critical agenda for lifelong learning
In the midst of serious youth unemployment in many parts of Europe, it feels reasonable to ask how can lifelong learning policies and practices best equip youth to thrive in the 21st century? While recognizing the complexity and multi-dimensionality of this question, in my editorial, I propose resilience as a pivotal lifelong learning agenda.