Heini Huhtinen
worked as the editor-in-chief of Elm Magazine 2/2020-03/2023. Contact: huhtinenheini@gmail.com

Future of literacy: diverse and complex
The variety of different forms of text and information in our daily lives is exploding. “Literacy as a concept also needs to expand,” argues Finnish literacy researcher Sari Sulkunen.

Fact-checkers and journalists fighting against disinformation
People around the world are increasingly being exposed to the deliberate spreading of disinformation. Therefore, the need for critical media literacy is growing. Fact-checkers and journalists are taking an active role in this area. Let’s hear the experiences of fact-checkers from Albania, Belgium and Finland.

Our brain was not built for this
In the era of disinformation, we need to learn completely new behaviour models, argues demoracy activist Alice Stollmeyer.

“When I think of resistance, I think of my colleagues”
As war is uprooting lives in Ukraine, adult educators have needed to find flexible solutions to offer the right support. We talked to Oleg Smirnov, who works and lives in Kyiv.

The power of memories
We talked to Professor Aline Sierp about better acknowledging the way collective memories shape our views, politics – and even the ongoing war in Ukraine.

CONFINTEA VII – what to expect?
Katarina Popovic from ICAE answers some questions about this milestone event and the civil society’s role in it.

Should we all embrace maker learning?
Some people might naturally be more “hands-on” learners than others – but we could all benefit from exploring learning through making.The text is an editorial written for issue 2/2022 on Learning and Making.

Engagement is an emotional business
Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard’s research provides insights about supporting engagement, particularly in an online environment. Emotions really matter in engaging learning, she says.

Uncertainty and unrest are moulding the needs for education
Amid societal and environmental threats, engaging in learning might lose its priority. It is important to keep asking what education can and should offer us. The text is an editorial written for issue 1/2022 on Engaging and Re-engaging.

Lost appetite for learning?
We still know little about the adults who dropped out of learning during the pandemic. Educators across Europe worry that re-engaging these “lost” learners will be a challenge.