Alexis Kokkos
Alexis Kokkos Studied Law and Sociology of Education at the Universities of Athens and Paris VIII. He is Professor of Adult Education at the Hellenic Open University and Chairman of the Hellenic Adult Education Association. He was the scientific responsible of the National Training the Trainers Program (2007-2009).

Transforming learning through art
This paper presents a method providing adult educators with tools to develop learners' creativity and critical thinking.

Need of enhancing core skills: the Greek case
In Greece, strong families may replace those social networks that might be helpful for employment. Source: Wikimedia Introduction Youth unemployment in Greece has increased dramatically the last four years (2008-2012). From 1985–2008, the rate of unemployment was between 25%–35% and was steadily higher than the EU19 average (OECD, 2009, p.12). However, in 2012 the unemployment