Aleksandra Kozyra
is Head of Capacity Building at the European Association for the Education of Adults in Brussels, Belgium. In addition to coordinating EAEA training programmes and conferences, she is responsible for the podcast Beyond Learning, in which she meets with learners and educators to ask how learning has shaped their lives and communities. Aleksandra is a language teacher (University of Warsaw, 2012) and literacy trainer (Lire et Ecrire Belgium, 2023). Contact: aleksandra.kozyra (at)

Collective practices: Inclusion in public spaces
Who has the power to create public spaces? Educators and architects reveal how empty, abandoned spaces can be filled with life and what popular education has to do with it.

Grassroots initiatives: Making it to the future
Wojciech Matejko answers three quick questions on the community Open Jazdów in Warsaw, Poland. The community supports people’s initiatives for social, cultural and ecological sustainability. Sometimes re-imagining the future requires looking back to the past.