Sustainable Future
How to create real transformation towards sustainability? What is the role of adult learning in it? These questions and many more are addressed in the issue Sustainable Future.

”We have to be brave!” – Recommendations for sustainable development in adult education
How to promote education for sustainable development? Three specialists from different organizations in the Nordic region share their recommendations.

Ambition and hope: Keys to our sustainable future
Living a greener life may require small changes, but they can have a big effect. The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2023 on Sustainable Future.

Dina Soeiro: “Older learners are neglected”
Our “Meet the board” series introduces the members of ELM magazine’s editorial board. Our newest member, Dina Soeiro, stands for the right to education for all, regardless of age, background or personal circumstances.

Interview with Arjen Wals: A pedagogy of hope for a greener world
New ways of teaching such as transgressive learning can lead to real change, says thought leader Arjen Wals, professor of transformative learning for socio-ecological sustainability.

Grassroots initiatives: Making it to the future
Wojciech Matejko answers three quick questions on the community Open Jazdów in Warsaw, Poland. The community supports people’s initiatives for social, cultural and ecological sustainability. Sometimes re-imagining the future requires looking back to the past.

Protests as learning labs to increase adults’ ecological awareness
Combining their academic background and activism experience, Professor Violeta Orlovic and research associate Milica Marušić studied how environmental protests in Serbia became learning opportunities for activists and citizens. One of the benefits was the possibility to build citizenship identity.

A community garden builds a better world cabbage by cabbage
The way to sustainability goes through the stomach. This is the principle behind Solidarity Farming, where people are learning to grow their food without agribusiness and chemicals, like in the old times.

Permaculture skills improve food security and generate income
A Zimbabwean NGO teaches local people about permaculture and agroecology. New skills have encouraged people to grow their food in a sustainable manner and start businesses around organic foods.