Life Course

Transversal skills – why and how to make them visible?
Communication and cooperation skills are important in today´s labour market. But how to assess them? Professor Maurice de Greef from Vrije Universiteit Brussel has studied the validation of transversal skills in the TRANSVAL-EU project.

Core competences to face the changes
Be true to your core competences, but don’t forget the open mind. The text is an editorial written for issue 2/2023 on Redefining Skills and Competences.

Vocational skills are no longer enough for adult education in Europe
Are vocational skills still enough for adults in the challenging job market? Marcella Milana, professor in education and Chair of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults, believes that unless we consider adults as citizens first, vocational skills won’t be enough.

From basic skills to competence overkill
In his essay, Michael Sommer looks at the history of competences from the 19th century until today. Like all living beings, humans are learning organisms that must constantly build, expand and adapt their competencies.

Pathways from childhood outdoor experiences to engagement in later life – the view from older outdoor enthusiasts
This paper is based on the life stories of 28 older outdoor enthusiasts who reflect on their engagement with a range of outdoor activities during their lives. Their stories reveal that there are particular pathways from early years through middle age that help them to keep their interest and enthusiasm for the outdoors.