Isabell Kempf: “Adult education empowers agility in navigating global change”
“Adult education is a human right and a public good helping to create a more resilient, just and sustainable future,” said Isabell Kempf, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, in her keynote address at the EAEA conference in Helsinki.
How to cultivate the Finnish learning concept of ‘sivistys’
In Finland, 2024 marks the year of 'sivistys', a wide-ranging concept that encompasses education, a broad base of knowledge, and much more. We ask two of Finland’s leading thinkers, Kristiina Brunila and Sixten Korkman, to elaborate.
Sustainable development is a collaborative task
What is the best way to involve adult education staff in the process of sustainable development? The ESD Alliances project of the German DVV International brings together European organisations that implement ‘Education for Sustainable Development‘ in their own institution. Three voices from the project show how this can be done on the ground.
Ambition and hope: Keys to our sustainable future
Living a greener life may require small changes, but they can have a big effect. The text is an editorial written for issue 3/2023 on Sustainable Future.
Interview with Arjen Wals: A pedagogy of hope for a greener world
New ways of teaching such as transgressive learning can lead to real change, says thought leader Arjen Wals, professor of transformative learning for socio-ecological sustainability.
A community garden builds a better world cabbage by cabbage
The way to sustainability goes through the stomach. This is the principle behind Solidarity Farming, where people are learning to grow their food without agribusiness and chemicals, like in the old times.
Future skills for a brave new world
Understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) works is a key skill – now and for tomorrow – says leading computer science and information technology professor Matti Tedre.
Core competences to face the changes
Be true to your core competences, but don’t forget the open mind. The text is an editorial written for issue 2/2023 on Redefining Skills and Competences.
Vocational skills are no longer enough for adult education in Europe
Are vocational skills still enough for adults in the challenging job market? Marcella Milana, professor in education and Chair of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults, believes that unless we consider adults as citizens first, vocational skills won’t be enough.
Articles on sustainability and peace education
What would you like to read on sustainability and peace education? Send us your ideas!