Adult Education and Climate Change
Climate change is the biggest lifelong learning challenge of our time.

Politics, parents and bug food
Stopping climate change requires innovations from across all sectors of society. In this article, a growing business, a political party and a civil society initiative share their views on learning and activism.

The great dilemma of education
Education should urgently break the chains of society and economy so that learning can genuinely bring about new thinking, says Erkka Laininen.

Museums are maps to the future
Essex Havard, Ian Fraser and Bridget McKenzie explain why museums in Britain have taken on the task of adult education about environment and climate.

Adult education – a tool for risk resilience in Serbia?
Beside efforts to repair the damage, numerous education programs and research analyses have been initiated to increase resilience of citizens and communities all around Serbia.

Hope is the only alternative
Climate change is the biggest learning challenge of our time – and perhaps also a chance to ask again what kind of life we want.

Transition movement and adult education – a close relationship
“Transition for sustainability is possible. If the transition movement joins forces with non-formal education, we could turn the tide.” says Jesaia Loweiko.

Intuition – a game changer for climate change?
Using intelligent intuition may be a game-changing tool in solving wicked problems such as climate change. Intuition is a learnable skill, argues researcher Asta Raami, and it enables us to tap into our non-conscious reservoir of knowledge and experience.

The most important issues of the planet
Adult education should help us live the rest of mankind’s time with dignity, says Professor Anja Heikkinen.

Cork gains new life as environmental awareness grows
After an unprecedented low, the future of Portugal’s cork industry now looks bright. Much of it is due to the Portuguese Cork Association’s campaigning, centered around the growing demand for ecological products: target audiences are educated about the sustainability of cork.