Active Citizenship

Careerists or Educational Aspirants? – (Re-)entry of European Lifelong Learners into Higher Education.
Little research exists on lifelong learners' motives for studying at university level. This paper fills this gap and gives LLL program designers important insight into learner profiles.

EAEA aims at more diversity in adult education
Targeting vulnerable groups with outreach schemes involves the danger of forming problem groups and thereby reinforcing exclusion. How will EAEA avoid this pitfall in their upcoming project?

Silver screen in the service of learning
The winner of EAEA’s Grundtvig award, FILM-IN project involved its learners in film-making to foster active citizenship and tolerance.

Know yourself! – living with dyslexia
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.The path to coping with dyslexia leads from self-awareness to self-advocacy. The author's grassroots viewpoint is inspirational for teachers working with diverse learners.

It’s about us! Reflections on Education for Active Citizenship within the European Union
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.
What exactly is an EU citizen? The authors argue that EU citizenship education is a strategy for legitimising the Union rather than for fostering democratic processes.

The Knowledge Volunteers
In the "Knowledge Volunteers" project seniors were taught ICT skills by young peers. The low-threshold human contact alleviated “techno-fear” for the older learners.

Corporate social responsibility and employing the disabled – marketing, PR or untapped reserve?
Employing physically disabled workers is not an image trick but a HR policy that affects the whole mentality of an organization.

Rethinking Learning for Citizenship: To be equal and yet different
Greece in crisis is in dire need of learning for citizenship. A number of projects based on Learning by Design Framework have already had positive results.

Active citizens: a task for schools
According to the young Finnish politician Li Andersson, promoting people’s participation in society is a task for schools. For her it is important to use understandable language when speaking about active citizenship.

Sustainable citizenship as practice
A discourse of “citizenship-as-achievement” affects education for sustainable development. The authors shift the focus from competences that citizens must acquire to democratic educational practices.