World of research
In this category you find articles from the world of research, insightful columns written by researchers and interesting interviews with experts. ELM Magazine presents research in an understandable and accessible way.

The impact of competence-development opportunities on organizational commitment and the mediating role of job satisfaction
Authors: Pia Heilmann, Mika Vanhala and Hanna Salminen.

An Italian model: Blended Collaborative and Constructive Participation
In Italy, blended learning is still relatively underused. Beatrice Ligorio and Nadia Sansone present the theory and practice behind BCCP, their flexible blended learning model gaining in popularity.

The flipside of blended learning
Eileen Kennedy warns of an uncritical attitude to blended learning. The method requires advanced skills from the learner and high levels of teacher input to produce quality.

Playful solutions for lifelong learning
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.
The Playful Learning Centre of Helsinki University aims to develop playful solutions to lifelong and blended learning. The authors introduce the Center and reflect on the definitions of play at the backdrop of lifelong learning.

A critical reflection of the current research in online and blended learning
This article was originally published in Elm's predecessor media, LLinE.
This article reviews the state of the research that focuses on online and blended learning. A brief review of the literature is provided followed by critical issues for conducting research in blended learning environments.

Education for resilience
Education for resilience: adult and community education response to a context of crises * * This paper has been significantly revised from the version presented at the International Symposium of the Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education in celebration of its 60th Anniversary on 29th September 2013 in Tokyo, Japan.

Policy synergy: the contribution of culture to lifelong learning
The EU searches policy synergy between cultural and education policies.

Transforming learning through art
This paper presents a method providing adult educators with tools to develop learners' creativity and critical thinking.

“I am not deaf anymore” – outcomes of migrant language courses
This study follows 170 migrant learners on Dutch language courses in Amsterdam. Results show a perceived increase in social inclusion.

Careerists or Educational Aspirants? – (Re-)entry of European Lifelong Learners into Higher Education.
Little research exists on lifelong learners' motives for studying at university level. This paper fills this gap and gives LLL program designers important insight into learner profiles.