Henrik Zipsane
Henrik Zipsane (b. 1956) is Director of the Jamtli Foundation (a large museum and heritage organization in central Sweden since 2001 (www.jamtli.com), and co-founder and senior researcher of The Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning & Creativity since 2005 (www.nckultur.org) — a research and development organization for learning through heritage engagement.
Henrik Zipsane is guest professor in heritage learning and regional development at Linköping University since 2010 and associate of Pascal Observatory since 2007 as well as associate of European Expert Network on Culture and appointed expert on culture and adult education since 2011 by the European Commission. Zipsane holds a master’s degree in history from University of Copenhagen 1985 and a PhD degree in education and history from The Danish University of Education 1996.
He has published on collective learning processes, immigration history and heritage learning applied on issues such as early school leavers, the ageing population, untraditional creative partnerships and instrumental heritage.
Contact: henrik.zipsane@jamtli.com