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From the Editorial team

Articles on sustainability and peace education

Author: Katriina Palo-Närhinen Published:


What would you like to read on sustainability and peace education? Send us your ideas!

In the next issues of Elm Magazine, we will explore the topics of sustainable future and peace education.

  • Sustainable future and climate change: how to create real transformation towards sustainability?
  • New perspectives on peace and peace education: in what way should peace education adapt to today’s global challenges?

What would you like to read under these themes?

In your opinion, whom should be interviewed, on what topic and why?

Do you know some best practices or learning cases that could be shared with our readers?

Perhaps you would like to write a column for the issue? Do you have an interesting topic in mind?

Please send us your ideas: elm(a)

We are looking for topics for a wide range of articles from news to interviews and features.

Thank you!

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Katriina Palo-Närhinen is the Editor-in-chief of ELM magazine. Contact: katriina.palo-narhinen(at) Show all articles by Katriina Palo-Närhinen
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